Free Terms and Conditions Generator
Create a personalized Terms & Conditions agreement that follows legal and third-party requirements for use on websites, apps (iOS and Android), e-commerce platforms, SaaS, Facebook, and various other platforms.
Easy way to create a T&C

1. Edit
Begin completing the form with the required information.

2. Generate
After entering all the necessary data, press the ''generate'' button.

3. Copy
The text containing the T&C with your data is generated and ready to be copied.
Frequently asked questions
We will try to answer all questions in the easiest way possible
What is a terms and conditions policy for an website?
Websites and internet service providers are similar to any other service provider in that they must inform their customers about the terms under which the service is being provided.
This is done through a document called the Terms and Conditions for Website, which is a legally binding agreement that may be amended at any time.
It is important for users to read and understand these terms before using the service.
What is the cost to utilize the terms and conditions generator?
Termzy offers a free terms and conditions generator tool to anyone.
This means that there is no charge for using it.
What is the process for generating terms and conditions?
Our terms and condition generator tool, Termzy, was created and evaluated by legal professionals.
It is user-friendly and easy to use.
To get started:
- Go to;
- Enter all the necessary details;
- Generate your personalized terms and conditions;
- Copy your terms and conditions text, based on the details provided by you.
Is it required by law to have a Terms & Conditions agreement?
Although there are no legal requirements for a Terms & Conditions agreement, it is highly recommended to have one for your website, software, or app.
Without a Terms & Conditions agreement, you may not be able to enforce your rules and community guidelines, protect your copyrights, or deal with other potential issues that may arise from the use of your platform.
Even though it is not legally necessary, it is in your best interest to have a Terms & Conditions agreement.
What is the difference between Terms and Conditions vs Terms of Service?
Overall, there is no legal distinction between terms and conditions, terms of service, and terms of use.
These titles all refer to the same document.
The choice of which term to use is simply a matter of preference.
What are the advantages of having a Terms and Conditions agreement?
Having a Terms and Conditions agreement allows you to have the most control over your website/business.
In this agreement, you can specify the rules for using your website and have the power to terminate abusive accounts.
You can also include disclaimers and limit your liability.
Not only is this agreement beneficial for you, but it also helps your users understand your expectations and the limitations of using your website/service.
It also outlines how to handle situations such as arbitration and account cancelation.
What should be included in your Terms and Conditions?
Terms and Conditions agreements outline the rules and regulations for using your service or site.
It is important to include necessary clauses in these agreements, even if they are brief, to protect your business.
Failing to do so may result in an incomplete agreement that exposes you to legal risks.